openapi: 3.0.0 servers: # Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin - description: Local HTTP API url: http://{APIUrl} variables: APIUrl: default: "" description: Base Url to API info: version: "7.0.0" title: WiFi 6 description: The API documentation for WiFi 6 thermostat contact: name: Heatit Support url: email: termsOfService: externalDocs: description: Heatit's documents page url: tags: - name: "Thermostat" description: Get data from the device - name: "Parameters" description: Change parameters on the device - name: "Reset" description: Reset settings, kwh or entire device to factory defaults paths: /api/status: get: tags: - Thermostat description: returns all information about thermostat responses: '200': description: All the devices content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeviceInfo' /api/parameters: post: tags: - Parameters description: List of all parameters parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/disableButtons' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorMode' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorValue' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMinimumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMaximumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMinimumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMaximumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMinimumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMaximumTemperatureLimit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalCalibration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorCalibration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalCalibration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/regulationMode' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureControlHysteresis' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureDisplay' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/activeDisplayBrightness' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/standbyDisplayBrightness' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/actionAfterError' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/heatingSetpoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/coolingSetpoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ecoSetpoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/powerRegulatorActiveTime' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/operatingMode' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/openWindowDetection' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sizeOfLoad' responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: disableButtons: $ref: '#/components/parameters/disableButtons' sensorMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorMode' sensorValue: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorValue' internalMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMinimumTemperatureLimit' internalMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMaximumTemperatureLimit' floorMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMinimumTemperatureLimit' floorMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMaximumTemperatureLimit' externalMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMinimumTemperatureLimit' externalMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMaximumTemperatureLimit' internalCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalCalibration' floorCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorCalibration' externalCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalCalibration' regulationMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/regulationMode' temperatureControlHysteresis: $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureControlHysteresis' temperatureDisplay: $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureDisplay' activeDisplayBrightness: $ref: '#/components/parameters/activeDisplayBrightness' standbyDisplayBrightness: $ref: '#/components/parameters/standbyDisplayBrightness' actionAfterError: $ref: '#/components/parameters/actionAfterError' heatingSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/heatingSetpoint' coolingSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/coolingSetpoint' ecoSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/ecoSetpoint' powerRegulatorActiveTime: $ref: '#/components/parameters/powerRegulatorActiveTime' operatingMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/operatingMode' openWindowDetection: $ref: '#/components/parameters/openWindowDetection' sizeOfLoad: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sizeOfLoad' /api/reset/factory: delete: tags: - Reset summary: Reset the device to factory default. description: Reset to factory defaults. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/reset" responses: "200": description: Successful content: application/json: examples: success: value: status: success failed: value: status: failed /api/reset/settings: delete: tags: - Reset summary: Reset settings to factory default. description: Reset settings to factory defaults. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/reset" responses: "200": description: Successful content: application/json: examples: success: value: status: success failed: value: status: failed /api/reset/kwh: delete: tags: - Reset summary: Reset Kwh to 0. description: Reset Kwh to zero. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/reset" responses: "200": description: Successful content: application/json: examples: success: value: status: success failed: value: status: failed components: parameters: disableButtons: name: disableButtons description: > Disable buttons, must be enabled through the parameter, or turned back on locally by holding the center and right button for 30 seconds until the display shows “UNLK”
**false** = **0** = buttons are not disabled. (Default)
**true** = **1** = buttons are disabled. in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/disableButtons" example: false sensorMode: name: sensorMode description: > Choose which sensor mode the device should operate with
**0** = Floor sensor (F)
**1** = Internal sensor (A) (Default)
**2** = Internal sensor & floor sensor limitation (AF)
**3** = External sensor (A2)
**4** = External sensor & floor sensor limitation (A2F)
**5** = Power regulator mode (PWER) in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/sensorMode" example: 1 sensorValue: name: sensorValue description: > Select the resistance value of the connected NTC
**0** = 10KΩ (Default)
**1** = 12KΩ
**2** = 15KΩ
**3** = 22KΩ
**4** = 33KΩ
**5** = 47KΩ
**6** = 6,8KΩ
**7** = 100KΩ in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/sensorValue" example: 0 internalMinimumTemperatureLimit: name: internalMinTemperature description: > Decides the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/internalMinimumTemperatureLimit" example: 5.5 internalMaximumTemperatureLimit: name: internalMaximumTemperatureLimit description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/internalMaximumTemperatureLimit" example: 39.5 floorMinimumTemperatureLimit: name: floorMinimumTemperatureLimit description: > Devices the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode AF, F, A2F.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/floorMinimumTemperatureLimit" example: 5.5 floorMaximumTemperatureLimit: name: floorMaximumTemperatureLimit description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode AF, F, A2F.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/floorMaximumTemperatureLimit" example: 39.5 externalMinimumTemperatureLimit: name: externalMinimumTemperatureLimit description: > Decide the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A2.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/externalMinimumTemperatureLimit" example: 5.5 externalMaximumTemperatureLimit: name: externalMaximumTemperatureLimit description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A2.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/externalMaximumTemperatureLimit" example: 39.5 internalCalibration: name: internalCalibration description: > Manually calibrate sensor A ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/internalCalibration" example: -2.3 floorCalibration: name: floorCalibration description: > Manually calibrate sensor F ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/floorCalibration" example: -2.3 externalCalibration: name: externalCalibration description: > Manually calibrate sensor A2 ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/externalCalibration" example: -2.3 regulationMode: name: regulationMode description: > Choose between regulation modes PWM and Hysteresis
**false** = **0** = Hysteresis
**true** = **1** = PWM in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/regulationMode" example: false temperatureControlHysteresis: name: temperatureControlHysteresis description: > Choose the hysteresis used when regulation mode is set to HYST.
Minimum: **0.3** = 0.3°C
Default: **0.5** = 0.5°C
Maximum: **3.0** = 3.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/temperatureControlHysteresis" example: 0.5 temperatureDisplay: name: temperatureDisplay description: > Select what is shown on the display during Standby state
**false** = **0** = Display setpoint
**true** = **1** = Display measured temperature in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/temperatureDisplay" example: false activeDisplayBrightness: name: activeDisplayBrightness description: > Configure the brightness of the display during active state.
**1** = 10%
**10** = 100% (Default) in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/activeDisplayBrightness" example: 10 standbyDisplayBrightness: name: standbyDisplayBrightness description: > Configure the brightness of the display during standby state
Minimum: **1** = 10%
Default: **5** = 50%
Maximum: **10** = 100% in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/standbyDisplayBrightness" example: 5 actionAfterError: name: actionAfterError description: > Decide how the device should react when the overload / overheating features has turned OFF relay (Default 0)
**0** = device will turn off and show an error in the display. (Default)
**10 - 65535** = 10seconds - 65535seconds = device will attempt to turn on again after an error based on the delay specified. in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/actionAfterError" example: 300 heatingSetpoint: name: heatingSetpoint description: > Set setpoint for Heating mode (Default 210)
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **21.0** = 21.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/heatingSetpoint" example: 21.5 coolingSetpoint: name: coolingSetpoint description: > Set setpoint for Cooling mode.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **18.0** = 18.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/coolingSetpoint" example: 18.5 ecoSetpoint: name: ecoSetpoint description: > Set setpoint for ECO mode
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **18.0** = 18.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ecoSetpoint" example: 18.5 powerRegulatorActiveTime: name: powerRegulatorActiveTime description: > Set the % of time the relay should be active when using PWER mode. (30-minute duty cycle) (Default 2)
Minimum: **1** = 10% = 3 minutes on - 27 minutes off.
Default: **2** = 20% = 6 minutes on - 24 minutes off.
Maximum: **10** = 100% in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/powerRegulatorActiveTime" example: 2 operatingMode: name: operatingMode description: > Set the thermostat mode
**0** = OFF
**1** = Heating mode (Default)
**2** = Cooling mode
**3** = ECO mode in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/operatingMode" example: 1 openWindowDetection: name: openWindowDetection description: > Choose to enable or disable the Open windows detection
**false** = **0** = Open Window Detection is disabled. (Default)
**true** = **1** = Open Window Detection is enabled. in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/openWindowDetection" example: false sizeOfLoad: name: sizeOfLoad description: > Allows the user to decide the power consumption of the connected load in 100W increments (Default 0)
**0** = Uses power metering values. (Default)
**1** - **99** = 100W - 9900W = Allows the user to set the size of the load, used when connected to a contactor in: query required: false schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/sizeOfLoad" example: 0 reset: name: reset description: Requires the string "reset" to prevent accidental resets. in: query required: true schema: type: string enum: - reset example: reset schemas: DeviceInfo: type: object properties: id: type: number description: Unique id for each device. example: dfkfj38f652900jd name: type: string description: Device name from the MyHeatit app. example: Thermostat hall room: type: string description: The room the device is linked to in the MyHeatit app. example: hall state: type: boolean description: current heating state of the thermostat.
**Idle** = relay is open.
**Heating** = relay is closed in heating- or eco mode.
**Cooling** = relay is closed in cooling mode. enum: - Idle - Heating - Cooling example: Idle currentPower: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,4}$' description: Current power draw of the device in watt. example: 2500 totalConsumption: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d+\.\d{2}$' description: Total consumption in kWh example: 624.24 internalTemperature: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1,3}\.\d{1}$' description: Current measurement from the internal temperature sensor. example: 20.2 floorTemperature: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1,3}\.\d{1}$' description: Current measurement from the floor temperature sensor. example: 21.2 externalTemperature: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1,3}\.\d{1}$' description: Current measurement from the external temperature sensor. example: 22.2 parameters: type: object properties: disableButtons: $ref: '#/components/parameters/disableButtons' sensorMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorMode' sensorValue: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sensorValue' internalMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMinimumTemperatureLimit' internalMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalMaximumTemperatureLimit' floorMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMinimumTemperatureLimit' floorMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorMaximumTemperatureLimit' externalMinimumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMinimumTemperatureLimit' externalMaximumTemperatureLimit: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalMaximumTemperatureLimit' internalCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/internalCalibration' floorCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/floorCalibration' externalCalibration: $ref: '#/components/parameters/externalCalibration' regulationMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/regulationMode' temperatureControlHysteresis: $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureControlHysteresis' temperatureDisplay: $ref: '#/components/parameters/temperatureDisplay' activeDisplayBrightness: $ref: '#/components/parameters/activeDisplayBrightness' standbyDisplayBrightness: $ref: '#/components/parameters/standbyDisplayBrightness' actionAfterError: $ref: '#/components/parameters/actionAfterError' heatingSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/heatingSetpoint' coolingSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/coolingSetpoint' ecoSetpoint: $ref: '#/components/parameters/ecoSetpoint' powerRegulatorActiveTime: $ref: '#/components/parameters/powerRegulatorActiveTime' operatingMode: $ref: '#/components/parameters/operatingMode' OWD: type: object properties: openWindowDetection: $ref: '#/components/parameters/openWindowDetection' activeNow: type: boolean description: Shows the current status of the Open Window Detection
**false** = Open Window detection is currently not triggered.
**true** = An Open Window has been detected and the setpoint is lowered. example: false activeTime: type: integer description: Number of seconds left until Open Window Detection returns to normal setpoint. Device can also return to previous setpoint if the temperature is changed from the local controls, or if the temperatre rises by 3°. example: 3600 sizeOfLoad: $ref: '#/components/parameters/sizeOfLoad' network: type: object properties: SSID: type: string description: SSID of the connected wifi network example: "Home WiFi" mac: type: string description: Mac address of the device example: "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33" ipAddress: type: string description: IP address of the device on the local network. example: wifiSignalStrength: type: string description: Wifi signal strength example: "65dBm" status: type: string description: Status of the connection. example: ok firmware: type: string description: Current firmware version of the device. example: "1.2" #Parameters disableButtons: type: boolean description: > Disable buttons, must be enabled through the parameter, or turned back on locally by holding the center and right button for 30 seconds until the display shows “UNLK”
**false** = **0** = buttons are not disabled. (Default)
**true** = **1** = buttons are disabled. enum: - false - true - 0 - 1 default: false sensorMode: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1}$' description: > Choose which sensor mode the device should operate with
**0** = Floor sensor (F)
**1** = Internal sensor (A) (Default)
**2** = Internal sensor & floor sensor limitation (AF)
**3** = External sensor (A2)
**4** = External sensor & floor sensor limitation (A2F)
**5** = Power regulator mode (PWER) enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 minimum: 0 maximum: 5 default: 1 sensorValue: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1}$' description: > Select the resistance value of the connected NTC
**0** = 10KΩ (Default)
**1** = 12KΩ
**2** = 15KΩ
**3** = 22KΩ
**4** = 33KΩ
**5** = 47KΩ
**6** = 6,8KΩ
**7** = 100KΩ enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 minimum: 0 maximum: 7 default: 0 internalMinimumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Decides the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 default: 5.0 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 internalMaximumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) multipleOf: 0.5 default: 5.0 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 floorMinimumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Devices the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode AF, F, A2F.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 5.0 floorMaximumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode AF, F, A2F.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 40.0 externalMinimumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Decide the lowest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A2.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C (Default)
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 5.0 externalMaximumTemperatureLimit: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Decide the highest temperature allowed by the thermostat when using sensor mode A2.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C (Default) multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 40.0 internalCalibration: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1}\.\d{1}$' description: > Manually calibrate sensor A ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C multipleOf: 0.1 minimum: -6.0 maximum: 6.0 default: 0.0 floorCalibration: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1}\.\d{1}$' description: > Manually calibrate sensor F ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C multipleOf: 0.1 minimum: -6.0 maximum: 6.0 default: 0.0 externalCalibration: type: number format: float pattern: '^-?\d{1}\.\d{1}$' description: > Manually calibrate sensor A2 ±6°C
Minimum: **-6.0** = -6.0°C
Default: **0.0** = 0.0°C
Maximum: **6.0** = +6.0°C multipleOf: 0.1 minimum: -6.0 maximum: 6.0 default: 0.0 regulationMode: type: boolean description: > Choose between regulation modes PWM and Hysteresis
**false** = **0** = Hysteresis
**true** = **1** = PWM enum: - false - true - 0 - 1 default: false temperatureControlHysteresis: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1}\.\d{1}$' description: > Choose the hysteresis used when regulation mode is set to HYST.
Minimum: **0.3** = 0.3°C
Default: **0.5** = 0.5°C
Maximum: **3.0** = 3.0°C multipleOf: 0.1 minimum: 0.3 maximum: 3.0 default: 0.5 temperatureDisplay: type: boolean description: > Select what is shown on the display during Standby state
**false** = **0** = Display setpoint
**true** = **1** = Display measured temperature enum: - false - true - 0 - 1 default: false activeDisplayBrightness: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,2}$' description: > Configure the brightness of the display during active state.
Minimum: **1** = 10%
Maximum: **10** = 100% (Default) minimum: 1 maximum: 10 default: 10 standbyDisplayBrightness: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,2}$' description: > Configure the brightness of the display during standby state
Minimum: **1** = 10%
Default: **5** = 50%
Maximum: **10** = 100% minimum: 1 maximum: 10 default: 5 actionAfterError: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,5}$' description: > Decide how the device should react when the overload / overheating features has turned OFF relay (Default 0)
**0** = device will turn off and show an error in the display. (Default)
**10 - 65535** = 10seconds - 65535seconds = device will attempt to turn on again after an error based on the delay specified. minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 default: 0 heatingSetpoint: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Set setpoint for Heating mode (Default 21)
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **21.0** = 21.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 21.0 coolingSetpoint: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Set setpoint for Cooling mode.
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **18.0** = 18.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 18.0 ecoSetpoint: type: number format: float pattern: '^\d{1,2}\.\d{1}$' description: > Set setpoint for ECO mode
Minimum: **5.0** = 5.0°C
Default: **18.0** = 18.0°C
Maximum: **40.0** = 40.0°C multipleOf: 0.5 minimum: 5.0 maximum: 40.0 default: 18.0 powerRegulatorActiveTime: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,2}$' description: > Set the % of time the relay should be active when using PWER mode. (30-minute duty cycle) (Default 2)
Minimum: **1** = 10% = 3 minutes on - 27 minutes off.
Default: **2** = 20% = 6 minutes on - 24 minutes off.
Maximum: **10** = 100% minimum: 1 maximum: 10 default: 2 operatingMode: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1}$' description: > Set the thermostat mode
**0** = OFF
**1** = Heating mode (Default)
**2** = Cooling mode
**3** = ECO mode enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 default: 1 openWindowDetection: type: boolean description: > Choose to enable or disable the Open windows detection
**false** = **0** = Open Window Detection is disabled. (Default)
**true** = **1** = Open Window Detection is enabled. enum: - false - true - 0 - 1 default: false sizeOfLoad: type: integer pattern: '^\d{1,2}$' description: > Allows the user to decide the power consumption of the connected load in 100W increments (Default 0)
**0** = Uses power metering values. (Default)
**1** - **99** = 100W - 9900W = Allows the user to set the size of the load, used when connected to a contactor minimum: 0 maximum: 99 default: 0 ResetInfo: type: object properties: statusSuccess: type: string enum: - success example: success